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At Wharton Missionary Baptist Church, we believe it is our Responsibility and our Privilege to obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18:20; Acts 1:8). 

We have started a door knocking, visitation program.  We go out into our area and share the Gospel. If you would like to be involved in this ministry we would love for you to be.


Due to the generosity of our church family, we are able to purchase everything needed to distribute boxes of food the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year. The day of the event, families get a box of food filled with everything to feed a family of 4 plus a frozen turkey or ham for the Thanksgiving Holiday.


We also provide free lunches throughout the year to our community.  


Our Food Pantry is fully stocked with items for families in need.


Clothing Ministry is more than a way to clothe people; it is a way to share the loving concern of God’s people for others and to share Jesus Christ’s love with a lost and needy world.  We provide the distribution of clothing (donated by our church family and others) to men, women, and children in need. Everything is free to any individual or family regardless of economic status. 

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