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Pastor Gary Hunt Jr.

Brother Gary was born and raised in Delbarton in Mingo County, WV.  The son of Pastor Gary Sr and Brenda Hunt.  Brother Gary was saved on October 1, 1983. He was called to preach at a young age and pastored his first church in his early 20's.  Brother Gary is an old-time, Hell-fire and brimstone preacher.


Brother Gary and Miss Alesia were married on September 28, 2002.  They live in Wharton, WV, with their handsome son, Isaiah.  Gary has been at Pastor of WMBC since June 2015.  Our little church has had many changes over the last few years, but through it all "There Was Jesus"!  


Pastor Gary's Favorite Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:57 and Revelation 22:20

Miss Alesia's Favorite Verse: Philippians 4:13


A word from our Pastor: 

As Pastor of the Wharton Missionary Baptist Church, I want to thank you for visiting our website.  I also would like to invite you to join us in one of our upcoming services.  At Wharton Missionary Baptist Church, you will be greeted by a warm smile and will be made to feel welcome the minute you enter the door.  Our services are Bibical in worship style.  We are blessed with wonderful singers in our church that sing Spiritual songs and hymns that will encourage and uplift you.

As Pastor, I promise that you will only hear the King James Bible from our pulpit and in our Sunday School classes.

It is our heart's desire for men, women, and children to be saved!  Come and join us!  You are welcome and wanted at Wharton Missionary Baptist Church.


And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15 KJV

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